Category Archives: Speaking


My friend Lisa Litant is a Senior Writer at UPromise. She asked me to speak to her group on how college students use social media, and ways that they might reach out to college students using social media. I asked one of my most connected students, CIS Sandbox assistant and CIS Minor Matt Somma, to present with me. Here’s our presentation:

Flipping the Classroom Gains Momentum

Sacramento BeeDiana Lambert of the Sacramento Bee contacted me last week because she was writing an article about the flipped classroom phenomenon.  She saw my paper that I presented at ISECON  in November about Flipping Excel, and wanted to know more.    Her article ran in the Sacramento Bee yesterday.

Todd Smoot from KCBS Radio in San Francisco saw the article and invited me to talk with their news anchors about this topic on the radio tomorrow evening, Feb. 20, at 9:30 pm EST. You can listen in at .

Web 2.0 Evolves

I’m giving a webinar today about the Coursemate update to my Web 2.0 Concepts and Applications text. Here are the slides.

Learn about the latest technologies and trends that will help students be optimally productive in today’s digital world. Topics include the mobile Web, blogging features, QR codes, big data, Google+, Twitter, RDF and the semantic Web, and cloud computing services. Join us as Mark Frydenberg, author of the new text Web 2.0 Concepts and Applications, shares information about how Web 2.0 has evolved and its impact on the digital literacy skills that today’s students need.

Where the Skies are Cloudy All Day

Today  I was the keynote speaker at the Connecticut Business Association’s 109th Annual Conference.  Who knew this organization is as old as the Jolly Green Giant and Pepsi?

I spoke on cloud computing – as a collection of services (software, infrastructure, data, and platform), and the types of applications they enable.

My second presentation focused on the Flipped Classroom. After discussing pedagogy of the flipped classroom I showed some videos that students in the CIS Sandbox made, and then demo’ed how to create them using Screencast-o-matic.  We then discussed ways to use the new found time in the classroom for interactive learning.

Flipped Classroom

Teaching about the Cloud is a Breeze

Here’s my presentation from the NBEA Conference in Boston. I was asked to talk about teaching Cloud Computing. I had some fun writing the description of my session.

Foggy about the Cloud? Clear up your understanding of software, infrastructure, platform, and data as a service in an easy lesson you can teach using familiar Google productivity tools. Learn how the Cloud precipitates from consumer apps to the enterprise. The forecast also calls for a flurry of cool applications to share in your classroom.


Text, Touch, Swipe, Learn

I’m speaking at the Cengage Chicago and St. Petersburg Forums on the topic “Text, Touch, Swipe, Learn” – showing some cool ways to include cell phones and tablets in your classroom.  The session description:

Students today are constantly on their cell phones—texting, browsing, or updating their Facebook pages. Learn about the difference between native and web-based mobile apps, find out how to turn your class blog or Web site into a mobile app, explore cool phone and tablet apps with which to create learning activities, find out how to build your own phone apps using Windows Mobile Development tools, and web-based platforms that require no coding.  Be prepared to tell us your favorite apps and how you use them in class.

And here are the slides.  What’s missing are the stories that I told about some of these applications.