Web 2.0 Book

Web 2.0 Concepts and Applications is a textbook I wrote as part of the Shelly/Cashman series published by Cengage Learning.
It was released in March 2010.
From Chapter 1:
The World Wide Web has changed the way that people do business, communicate, and share information with each other. Since its inception in the early 1990s, the World Wide Web has evolved from a collection of Web sites containing pages of static or infrequently changing text, images, and hyperlinks to support interactive Web applications for performing business transactions, sharing and viewing photos and videos, chatting, and collaborating. Web 2.0 is a name given to these many new uses of the World Wide Web that have emerged since the beginning of its second decade.

The World Wide Web has changed the way that people do business, communicate, andshare information with each other. Since its inception in the early 1990s, the World WideWeb has evolved from a collection of Web sites containing pages of static or infrequentlychanging text, images, and hyperlinks to support interactive Web applications for performingbusiness transactions, sharing and viewing photos and videos, chatting, and collaborating.Web 2.0 is a name given to these many new uses of the World Wide Web thathave emerged since the beginning of its second decade.