Tag Archives: web 2.0

Web 2.0 and Multifaceted Learning

Trent Batson, Evan Leek, Ben Aslinger, and I are presenting on Web 2.0 and Multifaceted Learning at NERCOMP on Thursday.  Slides after the jump. Or search for #nercw2 on Twitter.

Web 2.0 creates a culture for both creating and consuming knowledge, both of which promote learning. Web 2.0 literacy, in one respect, is about learning to use collaborative tools to solve complex problems; in another, it is about managing and interpreting a broader, authentic, set of student work. The presenters will share their experiences and current thinking regarding the much larger chain of evidence, and about technologies that can assist students and faculty to technically manage the evidence. This includes creating activities using Web 2.0 tools that engage college students and promote learning in a variety of styles and capturing learning evidence through the use of e-portfolio systems. We will share samples of student work, lessons learned, and technologies used. Participants will discuss the effect of media and multimedia on learning, as well as how to use a variety of web 2.0 tools in an academic context.

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